August 06, 2018

I’ve now been a Beachbody Coach since 2013. By now you are more than aware that I am Team Beachbody ! This is what I do, what I love, it’s my business but it doesn’t feel like work. But what I maybe haven’t made clear is what it is about this program that makes me loyal and inspires me to share my knowledge with others. Here the PRO’S that set them apart from other plans and programs.

Beachbody Fitness

This business is first and foremost about fitness. It’s right there in the name – as a coach I am able to help you learn about the importance of focusing on you. Your overall health and wellness are on point. The industry overall recognizes that people have hectic lives, so they set out to make fitness fun and easy to access.


No matter what style of exercise you prefer, they have created and offer something for everyone. Want to have your butt kicked during a workout? Give Intensity a try. Prefer to dance your way to fitness? Check out Country Heat. There are also a bunch of workouts that give you a variety of exercises. No matter which one you choose, you can tailor the program to fit your schedule and your fitness level.

Exercise when you want it

How many times have you tried to get into a fitness routine, only to have life take over and you no longer have time for it? Could be you went on vacation, or maybe your DVD player broke, and you haven’t gotten it fixed. Beachbody came up with a great solution that enables you to exercise anywhere and at any time. Video CD’s or BOD gives you different options to access anytime you want.

Beachbody On Demandis their streaming service that contains over 800 workout routines. One subscription fee opens the vaults, and you can customize your exercise plan to your heart’s delight. It doesn’t get more convenient than streaming on demand.


A good exercise plan can only get you so far. To be effective, you must watch your diet as well. Each workout program comes with a suggested nutrition plan, designed just for that program, guaranteeing that you will be eating the proper amount of calories to fuel the level of exercise you are pursuing. No more guesswork for you.


Yeah, I know, I talk about it a lot, but it’s such a great product, how can I not? Protein shakes can often taste odd or even disgustingly gross (The sacrifices you make for health, right?) Shakeology is none of that. The protein-dense shakes are delicious on their own, but when combined with the proper amounts of fruits or veggies, they make you forget that it’s a “diet.”

Beachbody Support

To me, this is what makes their company stand out the most. The community that Beachbody has built is extensive, from the personal coach you are assigned when you first sign up, to the support groups and assistance you have easy access to at any time, you have a built-in network that will be there for you throughout your fitness journey.


I am very enthusiastic as a coach to share my love of Beachbody. If you like to continue learning more about me and about the programs, read on. Don’t be shy to reach out though and ask me about how I can help or you can join Beachbody and participate in changing your lifestyle. I love to support you with this.

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