December 23, 2021

Should you keep journaling if you don’t feel like it anymore? The short answer is YES! The long answer is a bit more complicated (but still yes). I will always encourage self-reflection and practices that improve mental health and overall well-being. Journaling is by far the best tool to reach your peak mental health. Not only is it free but it is a completely solitary activity. That’s hard to beat!

You might be wondering, “why should I keep doing something I don’t enjoy anymore?” My answer to your question is simple: because the quality of your life depends on it. Why do you brush your teeth? Or (try to) drink lots of water? You do these things because you know your body functions and feels so much better when you do. This is exactly why you should keep journaling if you don’t feel like it anymore. Now, let’s examine how to get you back on track.

The Benefits of Journaling Are Too Awesome

If you’ve been following me for a while you know I am a big advocate for mental health. I touched on the importance of journaling in a previous blog post (post link?) but want to reiterate the significant impact that journaling daily can have on your life.

Processing your feelings through journaling not only reduces anxiety and depression but also boosts your mood and improves your working memory. I don’t know about you, but I want all of those perks in my life.

Journaling consistently has even more worth than just once-in-a-while journaling. For example, creativity is enhanced when journaling regularly as well as recovery from daily stressors. By keeping a daily record of your thoughts and activities you can learn from past mistakes and identify patterns in your thinking. You will also begin to notice what influences your feelings and behavior.

You will also have a written record of your life and experiences. While you may not think your life right now is worth recording, your future self will benefit from being able to look back and remember the lessons learned and experiences that shaped you. This has never been more true than in our current pandemic-driven lives. Right now you might think you will never forget your thoughts and feelings during these times, but our brains have a way of forgetting certain things.

It’s better to keep a record and not need it than to look back and wish that you had.

Why don’t you want to journal?

It’s important to explore why you don’t feel like journaling anymore. For many people, journaling is just another chore to check off of their never-ending to-do list.

Exercise? Check.

Drink water? Check.

Meditate? Check.

Unfortunately, it often ends up getting erased from the list and moved to the “when I have time” pile.

But here’s the thing- journaling is not a hobby you squeeze into your free time. It is a habit that should be treated with the same significance as brushing your teeth or exercising. The value of journaling comes when you’re feeling anxious, depressed, or uninspired- not when you’re feeling great or have the extra time to write.

What is holding you back from wanting to journal?

There’s no wrong way to journal

There are a million and one ways to journal and the only right way to do it is the one that works for you. This process looks different for everybody but the benefits are the same. As long as you are journaling in some form regularly you will not regret it.

It doesn’t matter if your journal is a quick one line a day, a dream journal, or a book full of sketches.

It doesn’t matter if you prefer to type your journal in a Google Doc or write calligraphy in a leather-bound journal.

And the best part? You don’t have to apologize or justify your journaling techniques and habits to anyone- not even yourself. If you neglect your journal for a week, or maybe even a month or two, who is judging?

Tips To Stay Motivated

If you’re having trouble sustaining that motivation to keep journaling, here are some tips to keep you going.

  • Start small and keep expectations realistic. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect with your journaling. Do what works best for you.
  • Schedule journaling into your day. If you don’t purposely set aside time to journal, you will never find the time.
  • Make journaling a treat- not a chore. If journaling is just another thing to check off your to-do list you will not enjoy it or continue to do it.
  • Structure your writing however feels right to you. Try different methods and find what works for you.
  • Keep a list of journal prompts on hand in case you feel stuck one day. Sometimes when there is so much going on it’s hard to pinpoint what to write about and you get writer’s block. Getting started is the hardest part. Start with a prompt to get your brain flowing.
  • Try writing in a new environment that is private and free from distractions.
  • Get in a good mental state before you write. For example, exercising, reading something inspiring, or meditating before journaling can be helpful.

You may not see it now, but this time in your life is worth recording. Your story is interesting and worth remembering. Grab a pen and paper and write it all down. I promise your future self will thank you.

If you want to chat with me about how I can help you find your inner peace or passion through journaling, CLICK HERE!

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