April 16, 2018

Focus T25

The Focus T25 workout is another perfect example of a “fitness on the go” program. The workouts are each only 25 minutes long. Of course, this means high intensity during that shorter time. But would you expect anything less from Shaun T? The main focus today understanding theT25 Alpha Schedule,but just so you know the T25 Alphais part of 3 phases in the Focus T25 Workout.

The program is divided into three phases, and because of the structure, it has the potential to be expanded into a longer series (not unlike Insanityand Asylum).

Focus T25 Alpha Schedule

The Workouts

T25 Alpha consists of five workouts.

  • T25 Alpha Cardio – traditional interval training that will probably look and feel familiar
  • T25 Lower Focus – more cardio, but there are lower body exercises mixed in
  • AB Intervals – this one will work your core
  • Speed 1.0 – guess what the focus of this one is? Yep, but along with speed, you will also work on agility and stability, which meshes nicely with AB Intervals
  • Total Body Circuit – still more cardio with total body resistance thrown into for a full-body workout.

You’ll also have a stretch day that will both give your muscles a rest and prepare you for the upcoming week.

The Calendar

The first phase lasts five weeks and on the T25 Alpha schedule. You have five days of workouts, a day for recording your weight and measurements, a day for stretching, and a day for stretching.

The workouts themselves switch days every week, so you might be doing Speed 1.0 on a Tuesday in week one but combined with AB Intervals on Friday in week four. The only days that do not change are your recording day and your stretch day.

A unique aspect of the T25 Alpha schedule is that you double up your workouts on Fridays, and you’ll never combine the same workouts in the five weeks. Some people do change the double workout to a single and then do the second part of it on Saturday, but you can’t expect the same results if you’re not pushing yourself by following the program as it is laid out.

It is also essential to do the workouts as they are listed on the T25 Alpha schedule,as it is designed to work your muscles in an order that will bring max results. This is especially critical in the last three days of the week. The double workout is the day before you record your measurements and your stretch day; you need those two low-key days to let your body rest from the double workout.

As always, your schedule should be harmonious with your lifestyle, because you’ll be less likely to skip a day if everything is in sync. So, if you need to start on a Wednesday, so your stretch day is Tuesday, just shift everything – don’t swap.

Once you get through the T25 Alpha schedule, you’ll be ready for T25 Beta. But that’s a schedule for another day!

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