September 06, 2020

In theory, everybody knows it's good to be goal-oriented. But what is the TRUE value of always setting and having new goals? Let's unlock your potential today ...

Goal-setting = habit-building

It's OK that not everybody is naturally the "let's write down a definitive list of my goals, dreams, and aspirations" type of person. Personally, I do believe in the discipline of writing out your goals. Just ask my journals and planners. ☺️ But at the same time, I can understand why people don’t. What difference does it make whether you write them out or keep them in your head, as long as you set them right?

Wrong! It makes a huge difference!

Because it is THROUGH the process of formally writing your goals and putting them somewhere visible that we keep them at the forefront of our minds DAILY. It’s how we make sure that every day is infused with an emotional, spiritual, mental purpose that aligns with our goals.

It is so easy to get off track and stray from the course, but putting your goals up on your fridge, or as your phone background, or on the corkboard in your office, is the perfect way to remind yourself daily of what you’re working for. This will not only motivate you, but help you take real action towards your goals.

Create a habit of writing out, saying out loud, or reading your goals, your purpose, your mission, or vision daily. To me, it’s the difference of living each day proactively versus reactively.

Why Do it!

Goals are the stepping stones to the lives we want to live, to the people we want to become. We have to set goals or we will have nothing to measure our progress by and there will be no sense of urgency to move forward.

The truth is, we will not be motivated everyday. We will not want wake up each day and live boldly and intentionally. Some days we’re just not going to feel like it. Our goals are the steps that will get us back on track, that will keep us accountable, even on the days we don’t feel like it.

Setting goals (or resolutions) at the beginning of each year is a wonderful practice. I love the idea of looking back on the previous year with mindfulness, evaluating, and creating new goals and standards for the year ahead. January 1st is often filled with so much hope. But often times by February, our good intentions have already faded. The goals we set are a distant memory. Why? Because we set the goals ONCE instead of creating the habit and embracing the discipline of reviewing them daily!

I love what I do. And not just the health and fitness bit. I love that I get to share my own experiences and what I’ve learned along the way. Not just how to lose weight or eat healthy, but how to create vision, set goals, and a live a life you’re excited about.

Sign up to get more information about my health and fitness business, and my personal mentorship program, here! When you fill out the form, I'll email you with tons more information about who I am, what I do, and how I can help you! In theory, everybody knows it's good to be goal-oriented. But what is the TRUE value of always setting and having new goals? Let's unlock your potential today ...

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