February 02, 2018

Recently, I read an article about yoga and the whole idea of “competition.”

It really seems like the SUPER COMPETITIVE nature of sports that motivates us to keep pushing and beat the other team…or beat our own record… that competitive spirit spills over into our yoga classes too.

This article argued that you shouldn’t be treating yoga as a competition because you’re not trying to “beat” others or yourself in yoga or PiYo.

I mean, sure, hopefully, you’ll try new more challenging exercises, and you’ll be striving to do your best, and really connect with yourself at your yoga classes!!

BUT... remember that yoga isn’t really about trying to “win”, and it’s certainly not about beating yourself up if you can’t do something that other people in the class can do!

You shouldn’t be LOOKING at the other people in class and thinking, “Wow, let me try to get my form more like hers…OMG, I suck at everything compared to him…” Ya know what I mean!!! That’s not a helpful attitude! It’s a great way to mess up the aura of the class though!

Look, pretty much every yoga class is going to have its beginning, intermediate, and expert level students. It’s gonna take a while to MASTER stuff…and in the meantime, remember that the PURPOSE of yoga is not to “compete” or “win” anything, not even against yourself. It’s all about feeling strong, relaxed, and CONTENT in your own body and with the world. Feeling CENTERED!

Tune out the rest of the world!! That’s yoga and compassion for ya.

If you’re still holding on to stress and insecurity in class, talk to your instructor about it.

So Yes, yoga (and PiYo, of course!) are all about growing and changing and letting the process happen naturally. Yoga is supposed to help you improve both BODY and MIND…So why let your mind trash your body just because you can’t do things perfectly the first time? Stop it!!

The next time you find your eyes looking away from YOUR mat, and instead comparing yourself to others…Tell yourself to RETURN to and REFOCUS on yourself and on loving yourself! That’s the stuff!!!

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