November 08, 2020

Do you walk through your day feeling like a zombie? Physically exhausted, can’t focus, and irritable? Sometimes even with caffeine, you have trouble making it to bedtime. But if you are unlucky enough to suffer from insomnia, even bedtime is a struggle because you don’t get the restorative relief of a good night’s rest. This is a problem! Your body requires sleep to fight off disease, strengthen your immune system, digest your food, and maintain positive mental health. When your body goes too long without enough sleep it puts a strain on your body that could lead to some very negative side effects. A major, and often overlooked, influence on your sleep is your bedroom.

Calling All Insomniacs: Turn Your Room Into a Den of Perfect Sleep

Keep reading to learn how to turn your room into a den of perfect sleep.

Turn your bed into a den of perfect sleep

Out of all the rooms in your home, your bedroom is arguably the most important. It should be an oasis where you can go to de-stress and relax. Unfortunately, bedrooms often get turned into home offices or a landing place for the laundry (not very relaxing, huh?). Luckily, the environment in your bedroom can be easily adjusted so that it can be your haven for sleep.

Keep your room dark

Melatonin is the hormone in your brain that maintains your body’s circadian rhythm, which helps you feel sleepy and fall asleep. This hormone is triggered somewhere between 9 and 10 pm to help you get ready for bed. Light has a strong effect on the production of melatonin in your body. Your body produces more melatonin when it is dark and less when it is light so it makes sense that having a bright bedroom will disrupt your body getting to sleep.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways you can minimize exposure to bright lights in your bedroom. To create a dark oasis in your bedroom find some room-darkening curtains, choose lower wattage bulbs for your bedside lamps, and position alarm clocks or any other electronic devices away from your bed.

Fill your room with relaxing smells

Many fragrances like lavender, jasmine, and vanilla have been proven to improve the quality of sleep. The relaxing fragrances help calm your body to make it ready for sleep. Running a diffuser with these oils throughout the night or even sprinkling a few drops of oil on your pillow could go a long way in making your room a den of perfect sleep.

Reduce electronics

When your brain is exposed to an unnatural environment, like the blue light from electronics, your sleep suffers. Bright lights before bedtime, and even soft or dim lights during sleep, hurt your sleep quality. Remove as many electronics from the room as you can and move the ones left away from your bed.

Calling All Insomniacs: Turn Your Room Into a Den of Perfect Sleep

Keep the temperature low

Did you know that our body temp drops one or two degrees at night to promote sleep? Knowing this, it makes sense that having a cool environment at night helps induce sleep quickly and maintains quality sleep throughout the night. So what is the ideal temperature? The best sleeping temperature is about 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius). Anything hotter or colder could disrupt your sleep.

Control the sounds in your room

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night for seemingly no reason? Odds are a random sudden noise like a car honking or dog barking next door is what woke you up suddenly. This happens because our brains stay alert even when we are sound asleep and register the noises it hears. To combat this, look for ways you can reduce noises coming into your bedroom. This could look like wearing earplugs, closing windows, or playing relaxing music. Another effective way to reduce noise is to create white noise in your room by turning on something like the fan, air purifier, or even a white noise machine.

Invest in a good mattress and pillows

At least one-third of your life is spent sleeping (that’s 33%!). If you are spending that valuable time on a subpar mattress and pillows your physical and mental health could begin feeling the effects. If your mattress is at least five years old, odds are it is time to look for a new one. Once they pass the five-seven year mark they are not providing you with the comfort and support that you need. Your pillows should not be too soft or too hard. Find a pillow that keeps your head in a neutral position and replace them at least every eighteen months.

Sleep on quality bedding

Much like having a quality mattress, sleeping on less than stellar bedding can harm your sleep quality. Think about it, pillows and bedsheets collect dead skin cells with every use (yuck!) that often lead to dust mites and mold, especially after extended use. To steer clear of these allergens you should wash your pillow covers and sheets after just a few nights use.

Get rid of clutter

Cluttered environments can affect your sleep because they often bring on anxiety. Having zero, or at least less, clutter in your room will make you more comfortable and able to sleep better. A few simple steps like keeping work-related materials out of the bedroom, keeping only essential items on your nightstand, and organizing your laundry (as opposed to heaping it in a pile in your room) are all simple ways to declutter your room. Making your bed every morning will also improve sleep quality and go a long way to decluttering your bedroom.

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